Drones of Facebook Has made in Britain

In a warehouse in Somerset, the last stage in an effort at Facebook for world domination has taken shape. Or, less dramatically, social network's plan to connect millions of people in developing countries is the case. Called "project Aquila", involves building a solar-powered plane that will fly for months at a time over the remote, beaming down Internet connection.

Two years ago the small British companies bought Facebook Ascenta, who specializes in drones solar powered, their owner Andy Cox is now operating engineer "Aquila".

At the end of June, the first aircraft produced in the dismantling of a warehouse in an industrial zone in Bridgwater and taken in parts of Arizona. There, gathered for its first flight.

Unmanned aircraft with wingspan of a Boeing 737, but only one-third the weight of a typical family car, and remained airborne for 90 minutes and perform well. The fragile structure suffered some damage when it landed in a field of stone some way less than the runway. When it finally goes to the service and the idea that he would come to rest on the pasture.

Again in Bridgwater after trip, Cox told me there was still a long way to go.

"Eventually we will fly 60 feet-90000, above conventional air traffic, where it is very cold, and for periods of up to three months."

This means we can loiter about certain Internet saving waypoint without interfering with other traffic. "

Right now the record for sustained flight with a solar powered by two weeks, until we got to a point where unmanned airborne Facebook stay for three months and will involve a lot of work.

You must include all the solar cells on the roof top of the plane, while keeping them aerodynamic and light as possible.

He lifted one section to show just how light structure. "It needs to be light. Means each kilo of excess weight and we need more power to fly ".

During the day, the plane will fly on solar energy, replenish the batteries keep it powered on at night. They represent about half the weight of the plane.

This may sound like just the sort of project that margin could carry large technology company rich to tinker, but Facebook seems to be taken seriously at the highest level. Mark Zuckerberg in Arizona to watch the flight, President of global engineering, Jay Parikh, frequent trips to Somerset to oversee progress.

Mr Patrick "our connect everyone on the planet," Lee said, explaining the "Aquila" was just one of a number of technologies for developing countries to achieve connectivity to remote locations.

He avoided answering my question about what was coming back to Facebook contributors, insisting that only aim to help industry reduce the cost of connecting to the Internet. Think Facebook, which has 1.6 billion active users, there's another 1.6 billion Internet connection is needed.

And, of course, is not alone in her letter that gets these people online. Color Google project involves using high-altitude balloons to connect to the Internet in the same remote places Facebook aims to serve the people. Each of these Internet giants like perceived as benevolent forces advancing the global good of communication, so we can expect the race to be too violent.

This type of initiative is not without controversy. India rejected the draft "basics of Facebook for free," is to give citizens access to the Internet is limited and free via their mobile phones, amid suspicions that it was all about making the company more aggressively.

This time, Facebook is treading carefully with Aquila project ", adding that once the connection, leaving local companies responsible for any services.

Mr Zuckerberg, it seems, a genuine desire to make people call that could change their lives. But you can't help feeling that it would also hopefully will fly drones Facebook above sub-Saharan Africa before Google balloons.

