Hundreds of Pokémon Players Tricked on Mewtwo

Hundreds of Pokémon players moved in droves to a park called tsoroma Park (tsoroma Park) in Nagoya, Japan, after someone d.w.z. siloroh about legendary Pokemon mewtwo appearance.

Spread the news via Twitter from your @T_i_r_x to many trainers Pokemon, if successful, recover, catch mewtwo pride.

Type of Pokemon mewtwo is supposed to be stronger than ever in the Pokemon series.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be a hoax so duped hundreds of Pokemon Trainer will feel the news. How can? This is because many players "Pokémon go tsoroma Park", similar to the shape forms a pokeball.

To quote the page Kotaku, Wednesday (27/07/2016), this is not the first time Jim Pokemon lovers go "temptation" with all sorts of rumors.

Such rumors have surfaced in the Organization of San Diego Comic-Con, where Philip says DiFranco YouTuber if there will be Pokemon rare birds that appear when the special session of the Pokemon in the course.

In addition three legendary bird Pokemon and Pokemon MEW wemotoo twins, many players Pokemon go still curious with the same thing.

Note, Pokemon go now to play deberangkat Android and IOS in a particular country.

