Two Planet Seems Like Eart Has Been Founded by Scientists, Was There Alive?

Santiago-recently, scientists discovered two ' world ' that can be inhabited, and the structure of the rock like Earth.

It makes the space researchers believe that opportunities to search for life on planets other than Earth.

Citing "the guardian", both planet Earth (21/07/2016) is said to be close to the solar system-yet light year 40-orbiting a star called ' small ' Monk-1.

The star looks reddish colored, infrared induced that appear in the lower part of the spectrum.

Second planet ' caught ' when transfer-rare occurrence-crossed paths at the same time in front of the stars.

Pair the planet clearly visible from the Hubble Space Telescope, in orbit.

"You only have 45 minutes to monitor on an ongoing basis. We are very fortunate to align the planet altogether, said a bystander at MIT, Juliette de wit.

After having found the planets in 2016, researchers noted that displacement would soon double in two weeks.

Then she makes a proposal rashly, in less than 24 hours. Just by looking, binigamatan agreed to proceed.

Then, using a telescope, systems experts were watching closely the movement of the planet.

They saw a flashing star light during the swoop, during his travels through the Earth's atmosphere.

If you enlarge a glancing blow, it will cause the impact of atmospheric gas composition, with great clouds of glowing revolves around the Earth.

On the other hand, assume a more versatile wavelength, then the atmosphere is more dense and thick-like Earth's atmosphere-will form.

"We should be able to see a big difference over the amount of light that is blocked by the atmosphere. Such a great atmosphere and spread on Jupiter or Neptune, said de wit.

The researchers said, "but we don't see much difference, it means opportunities are the same as the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars,".

Although the two planets ' Rocky ' aliens orbiting the star, have a stark difference from Earth and the other planets.

De wit said couples on the planet ' associated ' with each other. So facing the Sun, while others dwell in the shadows-like Moon and Earth one planet.

"It would have been ' world on the planet ' water, something that doesn't exist in the solar system. Or it could just be a climate dominated by oxygen, said de wit.

Each of these planets might be atmosphere like Venus, where carbon dioxide painted sky; Earth, with thick clouds and a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen; or Mars, the atmospheric mixing with the solar wind.

"With the help of tools that are more sophisticated, can make scientists describe the elements and molecules that dominate the Earth's atmosphere," explained de wit.

The research team hoped to be able to continue the search for three other planets in the system to a monk.

"I will examine some 70 stars and continue to search for other planets.

The research was conducted using a telescope monk in Atacama, Chile. Lesson design monk equipped with large object model and infrared (speculaas), which can be 500 star systems with a focus on light and small stars.

De wit said, using a new telescope-costs 400 thousand us dollars or $ 5.2 billion-can create detailed records of planets and stars.

So far, NASA scientists discovered more than 1.200 planet outside our solar system, including 500 Rocky planet.

The three planets that have been found in the past 18 months makes hope grow, scientists find planet Earth, which can be inhabited, not too close to the Sun, and has a surface of rock and water.

