Yahoo Has Been Sold, How About Users?

Washington-News Yahoo buy Verizon raises question marks for recipients of e-mail services that are used to log your "Yahoo Finance" and "Yahoo! Sports."

Yahoo not Verizon itself good for now still do not provide information about how to continue the company's search engine service. Based on the information received by the associated press miwawankari the ceo of Yahoo, said Marissa Mayer that Verizon will use Yahoo as its brand name.

Then the issue of email service, Yahoo is the second largest number of users in the United States, is more popular in Europe and Latin America. To this end, Verizon will use the name Yahoo as email service, the observer said Paul Verna. If you search on the AOL service that bought Verizon, users who use email services don't need to be replaced with a new e-mail address be able to log on to the AOL service.

In fact, AOL provides increased capacity of email and attachments. While his own business on the Web, and will support Yahoo advertisers and content technology and achievements in expanding AOL.

Even so, some company knows its content like Yahoo Health Division, Yahoo real estate, and five others. So far, the remainder are just Yahoo Finance and Yahoo Sports, as stated in the report of the New York Times, Wednesday (27/07/2016).

