hillary clinton, U.S. presidential candidate hacked again, how it can be?

New York-computer network uses the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton campaign again for the pirates. This is another cyber attacks, after two piracy work some time ago.

Hillary Clinton's campaign spokesman says, the data analysis program run DNC and used to campaign with a number of other entities.

"Our computer system to examine cyber security experts outside. They found evidence that internal systems has been compromised, "said Clinton campaign spokesman, Nick Merrill Lynch, as Reuters reported, as of Saturday (30/07/2016).

Another official said the intruders from accessing the Server Analysis program for 5 days. Data analysis program in one of the many systems that are accessed from an analysis of the campaign, voters do not include social security numbers or credit card numbers.

The National Security Division of the Justice Department to investigate whether cyber attacks on political organizations that threaten the security of the State or not.

Although it is not clear what are the materials that have been accessed from hackers, became the third warning against attack, and just three months before the US presidential elections on November 8.

Cybersecurity experts, us officials said that they had concluded, based on the analysis of malware, and other aspects of the hack the DNC, that Russia reverse engineer email hack releases the Democratic Party to influence the US presidential elections.

"FBI serious allegations against any interference, and will continue to hold those who pose a threat in the virtual world," the FBI in the United States.

