Solar Energy estimates that about 70 per cent of the population

He did not want Henry niakarondi. Born to refugee parents from Rwanda, and grew up in Burundi until the civil war again force the family to proceed. Transfer to the United States, niakarondi studied computer science at the University of Georgia were founded before the first start of his 19.

"I wasn't a job type of man," laughed the entrepreneur. "I think it's my personality, I've always liked my decisions." Yet his product-solar mobile cellphone fees, booth and connecting communities-aims to create thousands of jobs across Africa.

It has received many awards for innovation in energy and grants from the likes of Microsoft.

Concession booth, Jean-Marie Oro, in the streets of Kigali, Rwanda. "My vision for the establishment of at least 50,000 to 100,000 across Africa," niakarondi c. "It's doable. You are looking at the population will double in the next 25 to 30 years. " The idea of

Return to Rwanda or Burundi holidays, niakarondi noted that while many people had cell phones that they often struggled to charge them.

In Rwanda, industry analysis estimates that about 70 per cent of the population have cell phone, yet only 18% have access to electricity, according to the World Bank.

Draw the first design on a piece of paper, the entrepreneur put solar booth that can be withdrawn with the bikes and provides simultaneous charging of cell phones up to 80. Business in a box

His company, renewable distributed energy Africa (ARED), working under the concession system Lo which uses stalls for agents. The partial concession to earn money selling extras such as mobile credit and Government certificates and electricity prepaid mobile recharge.

Business in a box, "said niakarondi, who returned to Rwanda in 2012 just willing him form." He was looking to do something will not solve the problem but also a social impact by creating small projects for the people. "

Currently, there are 25 stalls operating in Rwanda, many in rural areas where residents rely on cell phones connect and send money.

But after four years of testing his business model carefully, niakarondi said he is ready now to rise dangerously. He plans to between 600 and 800 kiosks in place within the next two years.

Free opportunity

Niakarondi says to run, he's looking for people who desperately lack jobs.

Agents make $ 100 just as down payment followed by $ 200 on their booth rental premiums of the want. The company says, make suppliers located between 30,000 to 85,000 Rwandan francs ($ 38-$ 107) per month – enough to pay rent and feed a family.

But strikingly, lesser franchise who are women or with special needs, the opportunity freely.

"They are the most vulnerable group in Africa, especially in business," niakarondi. "Women do not have access to financing how men, and people with disabilities the opportunity to even less."

Jean-Pierre simbimba with a disability. He had to remove his child from school because he did not earn enough as a watch repairer. Thanks to the booth, his son again in education and dreams of Pierre owning a home.

"You can go a whole day without getting someone to fix oversight," Pierre c via e-mail through a translator. "Now I'm sure at least of daily income: my family doesn't sleep hungry anymore."

Prospective clients must at least 25 years old and have two letters of recommendation from leaders in their communities. the papers enough to deter "bad apples," niakarondi.

