Pokemon Go Has Been Blocked In Arabia Kingdom

Top cleric behind Saudi Arabia, issued a decree that Assembly game franchise Pokémon campus to be played. Information was obtained from local media reports.

However, the Secretariat Senior clerics Association in Saudi Arabia does not explicitly mention the Pokemon game going, "who loved young people from different parts of the world today. 15 years ago, the Foundation decided that illegal Pokemon card game too.

Pokemon games go from Nintendo, which requires users to walk in search of a cartoon character Pokémon through the screen of a smart phone, has become very famous in the world of apps, Indonesia is no exception.

According to Saudi Arabia, the Pokemon game animals changes Assembly-some clerics-gaining strength contains misrepresentation to promote the theory of evolution.

"It is pretty amazing that the word evolved much from the mouths of children," said the fatwa from Saudi Arabia scientists Association.

They also said the game Pokemon contains anything else, is prohibited in Islam, "binikotwan God with the existence of God, gambling-which is prohibited in the Qur'an-Paganism".

Added the opinion, and the coat of arms in the game Pokemon also mimromosikan "Japan's Shinto" and Christianity, frimansori, "global Zionism".

In Saudi Arabia, a country which takes care of the two holiest places in Islam, and movie theaters are forbidden. Women are also not allowed to pursue sports race because they are considered sinful.

Clerics in Saudi Arabia in the Association say that the characters in the Pokemon-which must be searched by users on foot is the new idols who can associate with God.

They say that Saudi Arabia game goes back to before Islam and not ignorance Burton. Some scientists even State patriotism as a form of worship of idols.

In General, know the countries of the Middle East but also concerned about the use of social media by increasingly younger abounded.

The Government warned in Kuwait and Egypt that potential users "going Pokemon ' Smartphone will be forwarded to the prohibited sites, including the Presidential Palace and a mosque and oil facilities and military bases.

