Some Thing You Must Know Before Play Pokemon Go.

Whether you're new to the franchise Pokémon or new simply go Pokemon, here are 10 of the best tips we should know "all" beginners go Pokemon ". These tips include understanding the types of Pokemon, "families, development of strategies and more!

prepare yourself! 
Before even trying to download Pokémon go, be sure to prepare yourself by doing some research on the requirements for the game. One thing I don't want to do is get hyped to go Pokemon, only later to see that the device is not compatible or you don't have enough data. Be sure to follow the three steps below before attempting to download the app go Pokemon ".

Step 1. Make sure that your device meets the requirements of the mobile specification. This is a crucial step for all newcomers go Pokemon. If you can't play the game, all the other tips are useless!

Step 2. Beginners should look into buying an extra battery. Will drain go Pokemon phone fully charged after only a few hours of play.

Step 3. Get your mobile data plan. If you already have a data plan be sure to check out the top ways to limit use of data.

understand the different types of Pokemon
 If you've played any other Pokemon games it is likely that you are familiar with at least some if not all "Pokemon types". If you are completely new to the Pokémon franchise, and there are a total of 18 different types of Pokemon. Each type has strengths and weaknesses against some other species in battle. For example, fire is strong against grass, grass is strong against water and water is strong against fire.

Starter Pokemon should be familiar with all kinds of Pokemon to help provide that extra advantage in battle.

Catch all "Pokemon" 
You might choose some new players not capturing Pokémon is close to a variety of reasons. Some reasons to avoid Pokemon may include the following:

  • Personal preference. Love is not all players magikarb.
  • He was arrested to certain types of Pokemon.
  • The player may be running low on bokibals. (May be very legitimate, but it's easy to get the standard bokibals).
  • The player may be too many Pokemon that already. However, before you decide to discard Pokemon close, take the following into account:
  • Capture the Pokemon will be rewarded with XP. If it is your first time taking certain Pokemon you will get an extra bonus of XP.
  • You will be credited with candy for every Pokemon you can capture. Even if you release the Pokemon, you still get credit for the candy. Assuming that Pokemon has a "line".

Note: get enough candy is very important in go Pokemon. Pokemon evolution usually much stronger than "wild Pokemon of the same type. For example, charmilion would be evolved from Charmander is much stronger than charmilion caught in the wild. Large batch developments in the conservative party.

know requirements for candy 
The Pokemon will be different needs of candies in go Pokemon. For example, you may need bolbasor candy 25 evolve into ivisaur, and you may need ratata candy 25 evolve into ratikati. Magikarb 400 candy needs evolve into gyarados!

find and travel to bokistobs 
This may be common knowledge even among beginners, but visit bokistobs go Pokemon is one of the best ways to get bokibals and eggs and other items such as potions werivivis. As you travel, be sure to pay close attention to your mini map to find nearby bokistobs.

communicate with other trainers
 Go huge Pokemon community. Should a team from players with good friends, learn new strategies, trade Pokemon, build defenses of the gym, etc. There are many different online platforms to connect with other players go Pokemon.

Include popular social media platforms try Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and forums go Pokemon. You can learn a lot about Pokemon go and Play solo, but connect with and learn from others and can greatly improve your game.

Save big balls & ultra balls 

This hint is very important for players just starting out. Using the highest levels of bokibals on any Pokemon (especially in the early stages of the game) is one of the biggest mistakes you can make newbies. Balls and balls ultra strong bokibals are going in Pokemon. It can be tempting to use this right after you get one, but the best thing you can do is save in your inventory!

The main reason for keeping big balls and ultra balls allow you to capture rare Pokemon and strong later. As you progress through the game, you will encounter much stronger than Pokemon that cannot be captured with the standard or even a big ball pokeball. If your bokibals is not strong enough you will be forced to leave this "Pokemon".

On the other hand, if you end up saving all of your ultra balls great readings, you will be prepared once the Mythical or legendary Pokemon Dodge appears in your map 8. keep the Pokemon with CP top You may not know beginners can Pokemon of the same type at different levels CP. for example, it may be one wild ratata CP 60, while another might be 70 CP. when it comes time to evolve, you will need a Pokemon evolution with the conservative party. This ensures the fullest potential of CP for the final stage of evolution.

After playing a little game and read the comments, you will also want to look at movisit all Pokemon. Evolution of the movisit will change, but would remain until the Pokemon "sound moves. Based on the preference you may choose the Pokemon with CP less, but moves with more suitable to your Pokemon team.

develop to create stronger Pokemon 
Most will be "evolution Pokemon" CP more than "wild Pokemon counterparts." For example, it may be wild wartortli anywhere from 200-250 CP. If you want 25 skoertli candy and then evolve skoertli to wartortli you may wartortli may blastoisi CP. 300-400 1000 + CP when it evolved from wartortli! These numbers are accurate, but the main advice to develop stronger Pokemon "Pokemon".

He was a writer for me bolbasor. The logic of the picture below!

improve your Pokemon 
Create a stronger Pokemon team as possible by improving your team's strengths, reduce your team's weaknesses. This tip can be divided into three categories.

Evolve: a very important developments to increase the conservative individual Pokemon, which ultimately helps strengthen your overall group.

Diverse type Pokemon: Pokemon on your team will be kind of vulnerabilities, but not the whole team share the same weaknesses. For example, it might contain Pokémon group of beginners ' grass, ice & bug types "; all are susceptible to fire damage. Instead, add one or two "of water" as alternatives to balance the team. Mix and match different types of Pokemon "at your disposal to discover the optimal configuration.

Choose the best Pokemon types ": not all species are created equal. Some Pokemon types "are" Super effective "against many types, others are extremely resistant against many types. Will show the attacks that harm reduction means "not very effective".

